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Catálogo Resumido

Mechanical Torque Limiters

An adequate and well dimensioned mechanical torque limiter will protect your machine against overloads.

Torque limiters (safety couplings) and clutches are mechanical components that are inserted into the kinematic chain as overload protection. They improve the safety level of the machine in a reliable and comprehensive way, reducing the possibility of breakage and consequent downtime.

Advantages of mechanical versus electronic torque imitators

Better response time and higher accuracy
Easy and flexible configuration: pre-set and adjust
They can be used at high speeds, against significant inertia and masses.
Competitive prices without sacrificing quality

Optimum protection against adverse environmental conditions.
Simple mounting for online and parallel transmission.
Special designs to fit specific applications.
Italian manufacturing with quality certification.

Vista del limitador de par DF

Friction torque limiters


Modular torque limiter


Torque-limiting couplings

The following three options are manufactured: - Multiple disc (or multi-disc): more suitable for applications in oil bath or dry at low speed. - With ...


FU-DSR Rollers Torque Limiters

FU-DSR Rollers Torque Limiters are safety couplings with the transmission of motion through rollers that allow complete disengagement when the calibrated torque is reached permitng ...


FU-AP Pneumatic Torque Limiter

FU-AP Pneumatic Torque Limiter is a friction clutch or roller with torque adjustment even during operation. Ability to disengage the drive and driven by pneumatic ...


Zero-Max Torque Limiters

Once installed, torque ratings of Zero-Max Torque Limiters cannot be changed unless springs of a desired new rating are substituted. The change can be made ...


FU-DSA Axial Force Limiter

FU-DSA Axial Force Limiter is a safety coupling with linear limitation of force. Releasing both in compressive and tension once it reaches the calibration force. ...

Vista de un Acoplamiento frente a un recipiente amarillo para encapsular. Indica sentido del giro.

Magnetic Bottle Capping Clutches

Magnetic Capping Clutches for bottles and containers ensure very smooth disengagement with overstress protection for any application in bottling plants. Designed based on two nested ...


Wind Turbine Torque Limiters

Zero-Max’s Torque Limiters protect wind turbines against peak loads, reverse torque, and electric connection shorts. This functionality prevents the transmission of excess torque from the ...



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