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Catálogo Resumido

Disc Couplings

Disc Couplings are designed to suit applications where high reliability, precision and an opti mum weight/power ratio is required; ideally suited for applications
with high speeds and power, also offering low overhung loads when using the spacer version.

  • Made in steel fully turned with standard treatment of phosphati ng.
  • Disc pack in stainless steel.
  • High torsional rigidity.
    Maintenance and wear free.
  • Version with double disc pack: GTR/D.
  • High torque possible.

On request

  • Use in applications with high operation temperatures (> 150 °C) possible.
  • Specific treatments or version in full stainless steel possible.
  • Reinforced couplings for specific requirements and heavy applications.
  • Connection to torque limiter (safety coupling) range possible.

Información técnica

Producto Ficha técnica
acoplamientos-de-disco Acoplamientos de Disco Descargar

Referencia en base a pieza

Acoplamiento de disco: GTR, GTR/D,GTR/S, GTR/BDSE, temperatura 150º, D,S, BDSE

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    +34 932 681 833